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Get Stretchy™ with Action Jacquelyn

May 29, 2015 2 min read

Get Stretchy with Action Jacquelyn

"I think everyone has a little Black Swan in them,it's just a matter of when you to let it out," - Jacquelyn. 

Action Jacquelyn - FUNBOY black swan

 There is something to be said for being able to wrap your leg around your head. There is also something to be said for looking this gorgeous while doing it. Meet Jacquelyn Umof aka Action Jacquelyn who's website and Instagram will inspire and guide you through your fitness journey. We caught up with the former Laker Girl and USC Cheerleader at a private house in the Hollywood Hills to hear about her fitness secrets and what get's her going. 


Jacquelyn Umof - FUNBOY black swan pool float
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Grew up a ballerina - so I cultivated a lot of leg strength. I never balanced on my hands though, so this last year I've focused on finding the right muscles in my back and arms that would help keep me in a handstand! I also started competing in Latin International Ballroom this last year for fun. Before that I was a Laker Girl, and before that I was a Clipper Girl! I've been teaching for over 8 years now, and I love it. My fitness philosophy is that there is something sweaty for everyone! Whatever gets you moving - do that. 
Jacquelyn Umof - FUNBOY White Swan float
What is your favorite college memory?
Being a USC Song Girl, cheering at the Notre Dame vs USC game and being a few feet away from the infamous Bush Push
Action Jacquelyn - FUNBOY pool floats
What are your yoga body secrets?
The latest areas I'm working on in yoga is: a) softening front ribs down while pulling the frontal hip points up, b) sliding the shoulders down the back body c) filling the back ribs with air when I inhale c) not locking my arms and letting them hyperextend, rather turn on the triceps and biceps by wrapping triceps underneath. 
Jacquelyn Umof - FUNBOY white swan float
If you were stranded on an island and could bring three things, what would they be?
2. A timetraveler 
3. And a FUNBOY floaty so I could float off to the open seas :) 
Action Jacquelyn - FUNBOY swans floats
What's currently playing on your workout playlist?
I just downloaded "Fiesta" by Bomba Estereo. Find it on Spotify - it's such a good dance song and interesting. I love latin music! 
Jacquelyn Umof - FUNBOY black swan
If you were a FUNBOY float, which one would you be and why?
The FLAMINGO - because it sounds most like me! They eat lots of fish, they like to balance on one leg for long periods of time, they're social creatures, and they can swim and fly! (I can't fly but I wish I could!) Being a flamingo doesn't sound so bad!  
Jacquelyn Umof Yoga - FUNBOY pool floats
For more on Jacquelyn, visit her website for daily inspiration, recipes and her fitness video challenge Get Stretchy

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